How likely can I accomplish the following using Formidable Forms?

By: Andrew L | Asked: 10/25/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsHow likely can I accomplish the following using Formidable Forms?
Andrew L asked 2 years ago

I have a project with a quote form, I have been doing research on what is the best Form plugin for achieving the job and I am leaning towards Formidable Forms looking through the videos, it looks like it can handle complex repeaters and conditions better than Gravity Forms.
I would appreciate the community's opinion on whether I can accomplish creating the form I will describe below.
I am an intermediate developer, I can do moderate PHP and Javascript when the need calls for it, I know roughly how to use action hooks and filters.
The form needs to achieve the following:

  • Large repeater forms for registering a business
  • The large repeater form will contain conditional fields that will determine what questions are presented
  • The form will create a quote based on the answers
  • The customer can then pay for the quote

The client is likely to use GoCardless as the payment gateway, which does not have integration at this time with Formidable and I would not be comfortable coding an integration.
My thought is to make use of the Formidable Form + WooCommerce integration, so they fill out the form, get a price and can buy it as a woocommerce product. Then I can use a GoCardless plugin for WooCommerce to take payment.
Below is an overview of the form logic I will be making.

Andrew L replied 2 years ago

Thank you for the comments, I have since purchased the plugin and it feels the most capable form builder out there.

Victor Font Staff replied 2 years ago

Absolute truth! Formidable Forms is the best.

2 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago

I guess I don't know exactly, but what you describe is possible in its basic terms. In my search for forms solutions over the years, looking for those that have the most flexibility and capability, you'll find Formidable Forms is the best.

Andrew L replied 2 years ago

Thank you. I think the online consensus does seem to be Formidable Forms is the best choice, short of having to code my own form!

Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Posting an image of a redacted Workflow says nothing about what you want to do. Why do you want to use a repeater field instead of a single form that allows for multiple entries? Repeater fields are complicated because they are Ajax powered embedded forms. Because they are Ajax powered, they interact with the DOM differently than fields that are loaded before the document.ready event. This article will help with understanding how repeaters work:

Andrew L replied 2 years ago

Thank you, the link is very nice and detailed. And a nice looking website too.

I was not aware that a form could allow multiple entries, although I am not sure how that looks UI wise.

Whether it is a repeater or multiple entries, I mainly want to allow visitors to add the details for multiple businesses, which will presumably affect the quote given.

Victor Font Staff replied 2 years ago

Since you mentioned a quote form, a repeater makes sense as the way to go. You could keep track of the row count and calculate your quote amount from it.

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