How to access the password field in frm_api_request_args

By: Fred Wells | Asked: 04/12/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsHow to access the password field in frm_api_request_args
Fred Wells asked 4 months ago

Hi,  I am trying to use the frm_api_request_args filter and I have to prepare the payload for it. Which means changing the body for the request. The problem is the password field is removed. I tried adding this:

add_action( 'rest_api_init', 'init_include_password_in_api' );
function init_include_password_in_api() {
add_filter( 'frm_include_field_in_content', 'bs_include_password_in_api', 10, 2 );

function bs_include_password_in_api( $include, $field_value ) {
if ( 'blueshoon_pw' === $field_value->get_field_key() ) {
$include = true;
return $include;

But this doesn't provide access in the frm_api_request_args hook. Is there way to accomplish this?

3 Answers
Best Answer
Fred Wells answered 3 months ago
I've figured out an alternative method. I can copy the password field to a hidden one with the `frm_validate_field_entry` and use it from there.
Victor Font answered 3 months ago

Where are you using frm_api_request_args in your code? Please use pastebin or gist to post all of your code. What you posted above makes no sense in the context of frm_api_request_args.

Fred Wells answered 3 months ago

Here is the code I'm trying to implment line 16 is the part that is coming up blank.

Victor Font replied 3 months ago

Can you show the contents of $arg_array, $args, and $body?

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