How to find forms on my site

By: David Cutri | Asked: 10/19/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsHow to find forms on my site
David Cutri asked 2 years ago
Hi. I have a few forms on my site. My site has a few hundred pages. How can I tell if those forms are actually being used somewhere on the site? I don't want to have to visit every page looking for forms. Thanks in advance for any help.
Bobby Clapp replied 2 years ago

There is no native way. Maybe an SQL query on posts for like %[formidable id=%?

David Cutri replied 2 years ago


2 Answers
Best Answer
Victor Font answered 2 years ago
Try this:
David Cutri replied 2 years ago

Oh, that's perfect. Thanks!

Steve WellsSteve Wells answered 2 years ago
I know I am late to the discussion here, but one other solution to this would be to create a new Formidable application that includes all of your forms. Then each form will list the pages it is embedded in. See screenshot.

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