How to get the individual watched field values for AI element

By: Larry Kolinek | Asked: 04/18/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsHow to get the individual watched field values for AI element
Larry Kolinek asked 1 year ago



In the function, add_filter( 'frm_ai_data', 'frm_reduce_ai_temp' );



function frm_reduce_ai_temp( $data ) {

// currently the questions are just all stuck in this string variable. which is then sent to chatGPT.
// where or how can I get access to the individual watch variables?
// surely there is a way?

// $data['question']





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Larry Kolinek replied 1 year ago

this hook works: add_filter( 'frm_ai_data', 'frm_reduce_ai_temp' );

BUT none of the other hooks are being called?

How or why is that happening?
Am i doing something wrong?

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