How to not show a Submit Button?

By: Andy Hill | Asked: 05/22/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsHow to not show a Submit Button?
Andy Hill asked 10 months ago

Hi there
I am wanting to add a Likert Scale using Formidable Forms to my website which adds up the person's total score for their anxiety as they select their answers. This all works well but I want people to be able to use this anonymously, so I have selected not to store any information from the form.
I would also like for the Submit Button to not show at all but I can't seem to find a way to do this.
The aim of this is for people to see their scores and some explanations of the scores without any fear that they have to submit or sign up to anything.
Can anyone advise me how to not show the Submit Button at all please.
Thank you

1 Answers
Best Answer
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 10 months ago

The easiest way to hide the submit button is to use got to your form's Settings->Buttons->Add conditional logic to submit button and fill in a condition that'll never be true. You can also use some simple CSS or jQuery to hide the button.

Andy Hill replied 10 months ago

Hi Rob, ah thank you very much for this suggestion. Yes I did exactly that, created a hidden field, added a default number to that, and then set the conditional logic for the button to hide when the condition in the hidden field was met - i.e. all the time. Ah relief. Much appreciated.

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