How to replace label by image in frm-pdf ?

By: Robert Cabiya-an | Asked: 08/21/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsHow to replace label by image in frm-pdf ?
Robert Cabiya-an asked 6 months ago
Edit link was successfully replace the labels with image.

Oguz Atci has answered your question at "Editlink with image":

[editlink label="<img src='image link here' alt='Edit' />" page_id=your page id]

I tried the same approach using form-pdf but its not working.

[form-pdf labels="<img src='image url'].

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 6 months ago

There's nothing in the KnowledgeBase that says you can use an image as a label with the frm-pdf shortcode. Your spelling in the shortcode is wrong, too. It's "frm-pdf", not "form-pdf". There is a filter that allows you to change the generated download URL. This should allow you to use an image: Make sure you set public="1" otherwise only logged-in users who create the entry or have the frm_view_entries capability can view the PDF file.

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