How to retrieve entry by key

By: Dev IT | Asked: 09/15/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsHow to retrieve entry by key
Dev ITDev IT asked 12 months ago
I want to retrieve entry  by key in formidable forms. Please i need help. Thank you.
Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 12 months ago

What information do you have and "where" are you (i.e., in PHP, in a view, etc)

Dev ITDev IT replied 12 months ago

I have entry key , but i want to retrieve complete entry with this in php

Rob LeVineRob LeVine replied 12 months ago

$entry = FrmEntry::getOne(FrmEntry::get_id_by_key($key));

Dev ITDev IT replied 12 months ago

Thank you , I try this now.

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