I am not able to conditionally hide submit button.

By: Disha Garg | Asked: 01/22/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsI am not able to conditionally hide submit button.
Disha GargDisha Garg asked 8 months ago

I am not able to conditionally hide submit button. When I try to conditionally hide the button, it is invisible in every condition i gave(wheather the condition is true or false). When I try to show the button, It is visible even after the condition fails.

1 Answers
Victor Font answered 8 months ago
You have no value in the filter. You need a value otherwise there's no sense in using a filter.
Disha GargDisha Garg replied 7 months ago

I want to check if the field is empty or not. So in that case, what would be the value that needs to be added?

Victor Font replied 7 months ago

Why don’t you try adding a default value to the url field that will never be a real value, like 999 or something on your choosing. Then set the filter to not equal 999.

Andy Hill replied 4 months ago

Hello Victor - this is very helpful to a problem I had. Thank you.

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