I have 253 entries in Formidable form, but suddenly, I can't see any entries. It only shows the number of entries, and I can import as a CSV file. Please help me to resolve this issue
I suggest the standard debugging techniques: 1. Look in your browser console for jQuery errors, 2. Look on the server for PHP errors & 3 disable plugins and see if the issue resolves itself.
The WordPress screen options tab is not displaying on the page image you posted. Look in the console for jQuery errors.
How to fix this? Can you please help me to resolve this issue?
You haven't shown us any errors. No, we can't help unless you tell us what you see in the error logs. Use WordPress debug.
I had the same problem today, 16/01/2025. The same entry list was blank, but, we can see the entry in the direct link or in the database.We have at least 2 users role that can access the entries: admin and contributor (generic name). They are defined in Formidable's permissions page. As an admin role, I can see the entries; but all contributors saw the blank list. I realized that maybe it's because of the Formidable alerts: Checking all the alerts and refreshing the page, I can see all entries again.However, contributors cannot check the alerts: although in the front end dissapears, when refresing the page, all alerts are back. So, I had to temporarily change the role to admin, check all the alerts, refresh the page, then turn back the contributor role. This way, we have fixed the issue on our site.Maybe, in the current version the plugin has some permissions issue, then bugging the entry request, or that last alert was 'strange'. Thanks!
I got 2 messages in my inbox, is these alert? from where can I see the alert? How can I see the database table? Please help me
WordPress Debug: https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/debug/debug-wordpress/
Your browser: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools
Your hosting account: https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
Beyond helping you by sending you these links, taking a look at your site requires a paid project. I've helped you as much as I can as a volunteer. Good luck.
@Rajat Sharma, in your WordPress dashboard, you may see a number in your Formidable's dashboard, if it's true, you have thoses plugin alerts that I mentioned before. In the dashboard, in the right sidebar you will find the inbox messages for your user. Then you can click "dismiss" for each message you have in your inbox. Then, update the page. I hope it works.
Formidable Forms v6.17.2 - January 16, 2025
Fix: The entries list and payments lists would appear empty in cases where inbox settings are set, but disabled because of a license change, impacting sites with Plus and Basic licenses.
Hi! Is this update available in the wordpress plugin directory for update?
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@Rajat Sharma Any progress on tracking down this error? What do you see in the browser console?