i have here a form but i get spam i have captcha v2 from google anyone know why?

By: Peter Polz | Asked: 01/04/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsi have here a form but i get spam i have captcha v2 from google anyone know why?
Peter Polz asked 2 years ago


i have here a form but i get spam i have captcha v2 from google anyone know why?

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1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

There isn't a form in the world that doesn't get spammed at times. reCaptcha is designed to defeat bots. If someone is entering spam directly in your form, there is no defeating that. As a rule, use a firewall, use an snti-spam tool in addition to recaptcha, use recaptcha v3. Make sure you don't have Formidable's honeypot disabled.

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