I want to do a conditionnal calculation based on a checkbox option (with separate value)

By: Nicolas Frei | Asked: 08/23/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsI want to do a conditionnal calculation based on a checkbox option (with separate value)
Nicolas Frei asked 2 years ago

Is it possible to have a conditionnal calculation in a number field. My condition and calculation should be based on a checkbox option (with separate value). What I would like to do is :

[if 126 show=value like="option-value"][76]*[126 like="option-value"][/if 126]
[if 126 option_id="3" not_equal=""][76]*[126 option_id="3"][/if 126]

But I feel that "Conditional Statements" are not available into field value and I didn't find anything related to "option_id".

Can you please help me ?
1 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago

You'll need to read more about checkbox/radio field values in calculations -> https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/field-calculations/#kb-separate-value-calculations

Then you can do something like
[if 126 like="gold"][frm-math] [76 show="value"]*[126 show="value"] [/frm-math][/if 126]

Nicolas Frei replied 2 years ago

Thank you very much for this help. I will go futher with this page.

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