Import Excel Data to populate Dropdown List

By: Trish Lee-Geosits | Asked: 06/01/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsImport Excel Data to populate Dropdown List
Trish Lee-Geosits asked 9 months ago

Is it possible to link or upload data from an Excel Form so that it can populate a drop down list.

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 9 months ago

You can import a CSV into a form and display a dynamic or lookup dropdown, but you cannot use an excel spreadsheet as a data source for real time display in a a dropdown. You can use external data sources if you create your own custom dropdown. I've done that before for a client.

Victor Font Staff replied 9 months ago

Also, remember if you are using a dynamic dropdown, you are importing the lookup field's entry id, not the text value of the field.

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