is Formidable the right Plugin for me

By: Julius Molnar | Asked: 11/16/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsis Formidable the right Plugin for me
Julius Molnar asked 2 years ago

Hi, we are webdesigners and we want to build a form for our clients.

i came along formidable, and i wanted to figure out if this plugin is the right solution for us. our form should appear for our clients / users in woocommerce in "my account".

we want to build a system for our client who order a webpage subscription to give them the possibility to upload their logo and to upload their text content so we as webdesigners can work faster.

the content what was edited should appear for the admins in the woocommerce backend in the order or user account.

the content what was added by the client should be still visible and editable in woocommerce "my account" can this solution be build with formidable forms?

do we need the elite or is the plus package of formidable enough for us?

thank you for your support and your answers in advance



2 Answers
Best Answer
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Adding a Formidable form or view to the My Account page requires custom code that initializes new endpoints for the page. In a previous project, this is the code I used: add_action( 'init', 'my_new_endpoints' );
function my_new_endpoints() {
add_rewrite_endpoint( 'my_endpoint_slug', EP_ROOT | EP_PAGES );
add_action( 'woocommerce_account_travelpreferences_endpoint', 'my_endpoint_content' );
function my_endpoint_content() {
} The template part used to display the content on your new My Account tab can be custom PHP/HTML, a Formidable View, or a form.

Julius Molnar replied 2 years ago

thanks a lot.

Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago


It is doable. Reference:

Formidable forms will work with Woocommerce in a pretty good capacity. You may end up having to write your own code for some things just depending on how deep you get with the customization.

As for which license, according to the link below, you will need the "Elite" license which supports the woocommerce add-on.


Julius Molnar replied 2 years ago

hello Bobby, actually i dont want the form at the product itself. i need a custom form inside "my account" in woocommerce. maybe the elite is not even neccessary.

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