Is it possible to generate/calculate a date and populate a field with it?

By: Miriam Michalak | Asked: 06/06/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsIs it possible to generate/calculate a date and populate a field with it?
Miriam Michalak asked 2 years ago

Hello all, I'm looking for a form that can calculate lead times for us and am wondering if Formidable forms will do the job!  Have a couple of questions:-
Is it possible to calculate a date and populate a date field with it?
The calculation would be something like:-
If field 1 = red and field 2 = >15 then calculated_date = today + 15 days
If field 1 = red and field 2  <15 then calculated_date = today + 5 days

Then question 2
If the date calculated falls on a weekend or other disallowed day can the next available day be used?   

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

The simplest answer is yes, but it isn't going to be "simple". Someone would have to help you code that out. It isn't going to happen, at least part 2, without custom code. Part 1 can be done built in.

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