is there anyone here who can help me with some code for a view
I would like it so that you can leave somthing out of the view on a mobile phone/tablet
as you can see from the picture I would like to leave out the display of | Vis | Slet on mobile phone/tablet
so you can only see Rediger on the mobile phone/tablet
the code for the view is today:
<tr style="border-bottom: 1px dashed;"> <td> <strong>[first_name] - </strong><strong style="color: #f26d00;">ISO 9001
ledelsessystem - </strong><strong>Revision nr. [2459]</strong> </td> <td style="text-align: right;"><strong>[updated-at]
<strong> - <strong>[editlink label="Rediger" page_id=14233] | <a href="/iso-9001-ledelsessystem-print/?entry_key=[key]"
style="color:#666666;"<strong>Vis</a> | [deletelink label="Slet"]</strong> </td> </tr>
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