Making a second form specifically see values from a certain entry in another form (by link)

By: Derek Knoz | Asked: 12/16/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsMaking a second form specifically see values from a certain entry in another form (by link)
Derek Knoz asked 1 year ago

 I am popping up the form in a modal, lets call that form "Form 14".
[frmmodal-content label="Thank donor"][formidable id=14 entry=[key]][/frmmodal-content]

I want that form to see and reference the values of another ENTRY from a different form, and I have the key of that entry f
Does the above shortcode syntax work? Will that new form pull the values from that specific entry for me to then use them in the new form?
Specifically the entry=[key], with that then ensure the modal loads with the values from that entry or does it need a different way of doing that?

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 1 year ago

The short answer to your initial question is no. The complete answer depends completely on what you mean by "loads with the values from that entry". Can you explain in more detail what you're trying to do?

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