Making read-only and hidden fields editable when updating a form as an admin.

By: Andre Larmet | Asked: 01/23/2025
ForumsCategory: General questionsMaking read-only and hidden fields editable when updating a form as an admin.
Andre Larmet asked 12 hours ago

I have a user profile form that contains 2 read-only fields and one hidden field. As the admin, I bring up the form in a page for edit purposes. The read-only fields are showing up as read only and the hidden field is not showing up. I thought that by using some php code, I could make those fields editable by changing the type to "text". This is the first time I am trying to use php code and snippets in Fforms and I am lost as to how it all works. What I have as a snippet in WPcode plugin: I used a sample snippet used to hide fields and changed it to what I thought would do the reverse operation. add_filter('frm_field_type', 'change_my_field_type', 10, 2); function change_my_field_type($type, $field) { echo 'got here'; if(in_array($field->id, array(67,121,125))) { //fields 67,121,125 should now be text fields and editable   if(is_admin())//if current user is admin echo 'got here'; $type = 'text'; //show the fields   }   return $type;   I put an echo statement to see if the code is even run.   The question is How and Where do I invoke this code in my form?   I have contacted tech support but they don't seem to understand my question. They keep pointing me to the same docs that I have read over and over without finding the answer to my question. I am not asking to have code written for me, I am asking how to use, invoke, trigger the code within the Fforms framework.   Any insight is appreciated   Andre  

1 Answers
Bobby Clapp answered 3 hours ago

How the code runs is going to be dependent upon how you've set it up in WPcode:

The code snippet needs to be active and probably set as shown in the first image in step 2.

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