Has anyone had any luck figuring out a way to map a Geolocation field in FF, to a post's ACF Google Maps custom field?
I've already contacted support and they don't have a method right now, so I figured that I would reach out here to see if anyone figure this out.
The use case I want is to use a FF form to collect a city/state, and then geocode that into an ACF Google Maps field so I can map the post location. The main thing is getting the ACF field populated and geocoded, even if it doesn't require a Formidable Geolocation field.
I never found a reason or had a requirement to use ACF Google Maps custom field, when Formidable's Geocoder add-on captures everything as it is. You may need to update the ACF field in the frm_after_create_entry and frm_after_update_entry hooks.
Yes, you are correct. My solution in the end was to use Formidable's geolocation as the coordinates interpreter, and store the resulting lat/long and input location into standard ACF Text fields. I can then use the lat/long to power other things for display on the front end. Specifically, I'll be doing a mapped, filterable database with FacetWP and I only need lat/long for that.
I had to do some digging in the Formidable docs, to figure out this method, since the technique is kind of buried deep in there. The docs could use some improvement, both on both the ACF page and the Geolocation page.
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