Merge PDF, with Plugin?

By: David Gräf | Asked: 04/19/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsMerge PDF, with Plugin?
David Gräf asked 10 months ago


I'm trying something that doesn't seem to work with formidable alone.

Maybe someone can help me with how to do it with the help of another plugin.

First I want to create a PDF with formidable. But I want to connect this PDF with other PDFs that I previously uploaded in the form.

So for example the following PDFs

- PDF generated with formidable 1 page

-  uploaded PDF 2 pages

- uploaded PDF 3 pages.

Now I would like to have all 3 PDFs in one file with 6 pages. Does anyone have an idea?

2 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 10 months ago

This is exploratory, but seems to be a legitimate example.

David Gräf answered 10 months ago

Thanks, wow, that looks very complex.  I'm pretty overwhelmed by it. I'm the type of person who can more or less just click everything together using a GUI...

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