Missing data in Google Sheets

By: Gerry Bolger | Asked: 04/07/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsMissing data in Google Sheets
Gerry Bolger asked 2 years ago

Hi all
I have a form working well, and the workflow is once completed it sends the data to Google Sheets. However all the data is flowing except for these fields

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Any idea how to ensure they get captures, especially the Timestamp and the IP address as we want to ensure we don't get duplicates
Many thanks

Gerry Bolger replied 2 years ago

Thank you

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Those fields are not captured in the form, but added to the wp_frm_items when the entry is written to the database. If you want those details transferred to a google sheet, the fields need to be captured in the form entry as metadata so they're available to the Google sheets action. To do that, create hidden fields and populate them with custom code.

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