Multi step forms: "Pevious" button and "Save Draft" button not possible translate

By: Peter Schmitt | Asked: 06/06/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsMulti step forms: "Pevious" button and "Save Draft" button not possible translate
Peter Schmitt asked 9 months ago

I have an extensive multistep form for applications. This is available in 7 languages. The translations are clear and work.
My concrete problem now is that in this Multi step forms I can not translate the "Pevious" button and "Save Draft" button. In builder it is possible to translate (via steps). It also shown correct in builder, but not on the final form. It is not a cache problem. Is there also some other place beside the builder to rename these buttons?

I just want change "previous" into "back" (and then in the respective languages). With the "next" button all works fine, also to translate it.

Note: The translation is done via 7 different forms (not via Polylang | Settings | Translate form) because this was faster and more useful for me as I can easily translate dropdowns (I have many) via "bulk edit" with DeepL and copy them back.
Thanks for any tips.


2 Answers
Peter Schmitt answered 8 months ago

Hello Victor,
sorry, but both things in both links I did do already. In builder ist shows correct version (language) but ion frontend it is always still in English on both buttons. And it is noch cache problem. It does not take the translation in frontend.

Victor Font Staff replied 8 months ago

I gave you the only valid answer and tested this in my development environment and it works perfectly. You probably have a conflict somewhere on your site with your theme, plugin, or page builder. Have you opened a ticket with Strategy 11 support or run through the WordPress debug process?

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