Progress indicator bar disapear when update a form from settings tab (since Rootline settings were moved to the form builder).

By: Marcius Teixeira | Asked: 04/24/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsProgress indicator bar disapear when update a form from settings tab (since Rootline settings were moved to the form builder).
Marcius Teixeira asked 11 months ago

Hi there, good morning!
By chance, is anyone experiencing the same problem?

Please, I need some help with this: The 'Progress Indicator' disapear when update a form from the settings tab! I realize that this started to happen since the 'Rootline settings' was moved to the form builder. From now on I always have to reconfigure it again. I realize that too: If I reconfigure the rootline and save the form from the Build Tab it works temporarily. But if for any reason I need to adjust something on Setting tab and click update the Rootline disapears again. Carrying out other tests in order to better understand what could be causing this problem, I noticed another situation where this error also occurs: When the option "Load and save form builder page with AJAX" is checked, I cannot save the Rootline even from the Build tab itself. Only after I uncheck this option I can get Rooline working again. However, if I go to the Settings tab and press the Update button the problem happens again.

This definitely started to occur since the 'Rootline settings' was moved to the form builder.

I would appreciate if anyone can shed some light on this. Thanks a lot!

1 Answers
Tyler W answered 11 months ago

I can confirm that this functionality is broken.

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