With a normal checkbox or radio button, it's easy to have the field checked or marked by default when a form is loaded. For some reason, this is not the case when the checkbox or radio button are populated with dynamic values. Is there any way to achieve this? I have a checkbox populated dynamically with only one value, which I need to have checked by default when the form loads. Can anybody help?
Did you read this? I've never done it, so I can't say for sure it's the answer to your question.
Thanks Rob. I'm not having issues with default values, rather having a checkbox field checked by default.
When checkbox options are inputed directly in the form builder it's a simple matter of checking the option I want checked by default in the form, but when the options are populated dynamically it doesn't seem to allow that. So I'm trying to figure out how to have a dynamically populated checkbox option checked by default.
Having a checkbox field checked by default IS a default value.
This hook may be helpful: https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/frm_get_default_value/
Thanks, Victor. I guess that since my checkbox field already has a default value populating the option (it only has one), then I have to add the default "checked" value programmatically?
Raul, I think there's some confusion over the definition of default value. You are not populating your dynamic field with a default value. It is not a default until it is checked before it is displayed.
Default value means a pre-selected value for a field. What you are displaying is an unselected option. Read the documentation in the KnowledgeBase article I referenced or follow the directions that Rob suggested to you.
If you don't want to use the hook that Formidable provides that solves your problem, then do in jQuery when the form loads in the browser. Those are your alternatives.
Right, I am not a programmer so my references are bound to be incorrect. In any case, I get that the "value" is in this case like the state of the checkbox, but at the same time, while the option is being populated dynamically, I am using the default value box in the form builder to pre-select it. However, it does not show up as selected on the frontend as it normally would with a regular (non-dynamic) checkbox.
I didn't see anything that would solve my problem in your suggested material, but I'll go through it again.
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