Remove/Hide Username on Registration Sign Up

By: Rey Marques | Asked: 02/25/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsRemove/Hide Username on Registration Sign Up
Rey MarquesRey Marques asked 2 years ago

I'm considering upgrading my license to use the registration functionality.  Am I able to hide or remove the username from the wordpress registration page? I have heard you can do this with another plugin but I would rather upgrade my existing license with Formidable Forms.  Thanks,

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Sure you can. You need the username for the registration, but afterward you can hide it with CSS on the form when editing.

Rey MarquesRey Marques replied 2 years ago

Thanks but are you able to hide it from the registration page? I want to default the email address to be the username and hide it completely from the user when they are registering so there is one less field to enter.

Victor Font Staff replied 2 years ago

Yes, you can map any fields you want to the username.

Rey MarquesRey Marques replied 2 years ago

Thanks, I'll give that a try

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