Repeater field and showing total cost

By: Stacey Kohl | Asked: 05/10/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsRepeater field and showing total cost
Stacey Kohl asked 10 months ago

Hi all,
I'm creating a registration form that has a tickets inside the repeater as well as a separate add-on ticket that is outside the repeater. I've created a field to total the repeater tickets and the outside the repeater tickets to then give me a total cost. It's a multipage registration and if I click "previous" it loses all the cost totals. Any suggestions? (see attached images) 
The same thing happens from the Summary screen if use the "Edit" button--I lose my individual totals.
Thanks for the help!

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 10 months ago

How is the total field being calculated?

5 Answers
Stacey Kohl answered 10 months ago

The "Convention Registration Total" is a number field set to calculate the product field in the repeater (see image).
The "Friday night" total is separate number field calculation of just the friday night product fields. (see image)
"Order Total" is a straight up Total field.

Bobby Clapp Staff answered 10 months ago

Sounds like either a logical error in the design or a javascript error. Can you confirm the console logs no errors?

Here is a working example:

Stacey Kohl replied 10 months ago

<p>I don't see the working example loading. Can you resend? The only error I'm getting doesn't seem relevant</p><p>Uploading screenshot as separate comment.</p>

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 10 months ago

You can try it again. I've made the private page public.

Stacey Kohl answered 10 months ago

Screenshot of error

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 10 months ago

Can you highlight the nodes in the developer tools? It seems something is off with the "for" labeling as suggested.

Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff replied 10 months ago

fwiw, I've seen that label issue on several sites and it hasn't caused a problem, though S11 should probably address it.

Stacey Kohl answered 10 months ago

Seems to be this node.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 10 months ago

In the previous screenshot you had 2 nodes. Is there another node as well then?

Stacey Kohl replied 10 months ago

Its the same repeats if I move forward and back.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 10 months ago

This should be reported to Formidable support.

Entertain me. What happens if you remove the period from the end of the sentence in the label?

Stacey Kohl replied 10 months ago

No change. I'll try removing the field. It's not critical and I can get around it in other ways if I can make the total work.

Stacey Kohl replied 10 months ago

Removing it didn't make any difference. Moving backward still blanks out the individual total fields.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 10 months ago

Is it only blanking the totals fields? My example performs as expected, yes?

Stacey Kohl replied 10 months ago

The true "Total" field works as expected, it's the other two fields, which aren't actually "Total" fields but are calculation fields which lose their figures upon hitting previous.

The true "Total" field (Order total in the screen shots) always works---forward/back. The Convention & Friday Night are calculated based on other fields and lose their figures if you move back and forth.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 10 months ago

Any luck? I went on vacation and have returned.

Stacey Kohl replied 10 months ago

Nope, I'm still trying to figure it out. Now trying to work around it.

Bobby Clapp Staff answered 10 months ago

How about the demo I posted in the thread above 2 weeks ago. Is that how it should be working for you, but isn't or is there a problem with the demo as well?

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