Request for Assistance in Customizing Dropdown List Selection Color

By: Arnaud G. | Asked: 07/10/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsRequest for Assistance in Customizing Dropdown List Selection Color
Arnaud G. asked 1 year ago
I would like to customize the selection color of the dropdown list field with the autocomplete option. It is currently set to blue by default. I have searched for a solution to change the color in the style settings, but I have found nothing.
Could you please help me with this issue? Thanks for your help. Arnaud
1 Answers
Victor Font answered 1 year ago
This requires custom CSS. See this:
Arnaud G. replied 1 year ago

Hello Victor,
Thank you for your response. I've spent several hours trying to solve this issue with no success. I attempted to modify the CSS in the following way:

.chosen-search option:hover {
background-color: your-color !important;
color: white !important; /* change text color on hover, modify if necessary */

However, this has not worked. The field, when hovered over, is still the default blue color:

I'm out of ideas. If you have a solution, I would greatly appreciate it.

Arnaud G. replied 1 year ago

Hello Victor,
Thank you for your response. I've spent several hours trying to solve this issue with no success. I attempted to modify the CSS in the following way:

.chosen-search option:hover {
background-color: your-color !important;
color: white !important; /* change text color on hover, modify if necessary */

However, this has not worked. The field, when hovered over, is still the default blue color:

I'm out of ideas. If you have a solution, I would greatly appreciate it.

Victor Font replied 1 year ago

If you're using chosen, you're targeting the wrong element. Chosen is not a select input. Chosen values are list objects. Use your browser's inspection tool to find the correct element classes.

For the drop down list, target For the input field, use a.chosen-single.chosen-single-with-deselect. You need to apply the colors to both places.

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