Row ID in views

By: S F | Asked: 01/31/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsRow ID in views
S F asked 11 months ago

I\'m sure I\'m just missing this somehow, but I have a question regarding how to easily identify the Row IDs in a View. I have created a complex view with 50+ rows for the explicit purpose of generating a pdf copy of the view. While building this view, I have needed to insert rows, but cant seem to identify easily where the row insert should occur because while the layout builder gives you the row ID upon hover (but no visual indicator of content), I cant seem to find the corresponding row ID when in edit mode where I can see the content and therefore the correct location for a row insert. I am having to resort to counting rows in the layout builder mode after counting rows in the edit view mode. Because of the interface in either mode, this is very difficult to do when you have a view with many many rows.  

5 Answers
S F answered 10 months ago
Can anyone help me here, even if to say that identifying the row IDs in edit mode isn't available or there is no other current solution? Just want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious. Thanks.
Victor Font answered 10 months ago
This is a community volunteer support forum. We have no affiliation with Strategy 11. We're end users just like you. I suggest you open a ticket with Strategy 11 as a feature request.
S F answered 10 months ago
Understood. Thank you. But I didn't know if it was functionality already in existence that I was just not seeing or something that would be in fact a feature request. Sounds like the later in this case.
Andy Hill answered 10 months ago
Hi SF, I don't know if this will help?? When you add content to the first row in the detail View and then click click on it, you can see the content and the layout builder on one screen. If i am understanding you right, you could add a number (1-50) to each of the rows with both panes showing and navigate your way down the rows more easily than counting them in the layout builder. Does that make sense or apologies if not helpful. See attached as an example of what I mean. I had a view with 14 rows plus a heading and found it difficult until I realised this. All the best
Luke M answered 10 months ago
Maybe this helps

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