RSS Feed Creates New WordPress page

By: Kryshana Hicks | Asked: 08/16/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsRSS Feed Creates New WordPress page
Kryshana Hicks asked 6 months ago

When using Feedzy, as the RSS Reader, I noticed a new page is created.  The post is created when a form has been submitted - which is great.  However, the post, automatically created a new page.  Is this normal?
I was hoping to display the links on the RSS Reader page.  However, when clicked on the links it takes user to a page and then that page contains the original link.  It is a 2 step process, instead of 1.
Is there a way to simply display the post links on the RSS Reader page, then when clicked the user is directed to the original link?
Any help at all would be appreciated.

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