Select file from Uploaded files field( EX: images), and send selected it via Email.

By: Nuno Pinhel | Asked: 07/19/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsSelect file from Uploaded files field( EX: images), and send selected it via Email.
Nuno Pinhel asked 8 months ago

Hi formidable form community!

I'm trying to get all files uploaded, select one and send it via email.

I creating one SEND EMAIL form, and lookup field as RADIO images to lookup to files field ID.
It get all image files, and i can see radio button with images.

Now, selece one image, and do a submit form ( SeND EMAIL)

The issue:
The Radio Lookup field, not added any information to entry, BLANK entry is the result of information for this field ID.
Maybe because the uploaded field type is not compatible to save entry data of this kind of field ( upload file type)

So there are any way to FIX it?

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