set a param in a form field depending on a dropdown field

By: Holger F | Asked: 08/16/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsset a param in a form field depending on a dropdown field
Holger F asked 6 months ago

Hi, I would like to set a param in my form and param should change when field 1135 (=dropdown field) changes.
I put this statement  [frm-set-get param_myown="[1135]"] into default value field of a standard text field and set to read. I also tried this in devault value calculation (with text type on). But it is not working with variable field [1135]. My result is always "]
Is there a way to set a param in a form field that changes when dropdown field changes? Thank you all for help.   

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 6 months ago

You're using [frm-set-get param_name="value"] incorrectly. This is inserted before your form shortcode in a page or post. To retrieve the value of param_name as a field value use [get param="param_name"]. See this:

Victor Font Staff replied 6 months ago

Also, if you’re retrieving from a dropdown, use jQuery.

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