settings in actions and notifications

By: Johnny Bendsen | Asked: 08/18/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionssettings in actions and notifications
Johnny Bendsen asked 3 years ago

i have a form in formidable where i would like to use a notification but formidable can\'t quite do what i am looking for,
I only want the reminder on me to come on the date entered in the date field
There should be no reminder when the form is updated or a new form is made, unless a new date has been entered
That\'s why I\'ve made the settings below in actions and notifications

Send Email “notification” - Trigger this action when - Entry is created, Entry is updated

Ignore the \"Trigger this action after\" option above
Send this message 6 Hours After \"Dato for påmindelse\" the Date inserted in the calendar field where you want the reminder
Is there anyone here who can help me?

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 3 years ago

Everything you list looks fine. What is happening on the date?

Johnny Bendsen replied 3 years ago

it sends a costom reminder mail, but only if i dont Ignore the Send Email “notification” - Trigger this action when - Entry is created, Entry is updated

Chris AdamsChris Adams Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi Johnny,

The form action automation uses cron jobs to run the automated actions.

In WordPress cron jobs are managed by WP-Cron. Several WordPress core features, such as checking for updates and publishing scheduled post, utilize WP-Cron.

WP-Cron works by checking, on every page load, a list of scheduled tasks to see what needs to be run however if no-one is visting your site to load pages, WP-Cron will not run and the automated email will not be sent exactly when you need it.

This may be whats causing the automated email not to be sent. It's work testing by setting a date and then 6 hours after said date, visit the website to see if the email gets generated.

If your hosting provider allows it you can create cron jobs to run directly from the server and by-pass WP-Cron which means they'll be sent exactly when you need and won't rely on any users visiting your site.


Johnny Bendsen replied 3 years ago

Hi Chris
I have made some systems that can be customized at user level with over 100 users
I am daily on the site but requires that you are logged in to the individual user to update it ?


Bobby Clapp Staff replied 3 years ago

No. Just whenever the page is active on the internet by anyone. If it goes idle, wp-cron will not run. That's why a manual cron job is required. If you are in windows environment you can use the task scheduler to hit wp-cron.

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