Stripe Not Processing all Payments

By: Bryan Liggons | Asked: 06/08/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsStripe Not Processing all Payments
Bryan LiggonsBryan Liggons asked 9 months ago

I'm using Formidable forms along with their Stripe add-on to accept payments. I'm using the latest versions of Wordpress, formidable, and the stripe add-on. They are all up to date. I have 11 form entries with only 2 payments processed. They read complete, the others say Processing.

I notice that the payments that aren't processing have a status of Live, while the ones that did complete have no status at all?

It should say live on all the payments, the only options are live, test, and none. We are using the live connection to stripe.

Everything is set up correctly, so how do we fix this issue?


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