Stripe payment not going through when using the same entry for initial and subsequent payments

By: Rob LeVine | Asked: 11/09/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsStripe payment not going through when using the same entry for initial and subsequent payments
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff asked 4 months ago

I'm new to Formidable's Stripe Addon. I have a form with a Stripe payment field and the form is used for an initial membership as well as yearly renewals. I'm testing the form creating a new membership and then renewing the membership after the initial transaction completes. The initial membership payment goes fine, but any subsequent renewal "doesn't happen" as far as Stripe is concerned. The form's email notification is sent out, but there's nothing in the database for that second payment. Is the integration of Formidable and Stripe such that you can only have one payment per entry? I even deleted the payment entry via Formidable->payments and I can't make subsequent payments via an existing entry.

I noticed the "Gateway Field" in the form that Stripe requires (or adds automatically). With the initial payment, the value of that field is set to "Completed", when a new (renewal) payment is made for the same entry, the field's value is set to "stripe" and never changes and there's no record of the second payment in the database.

1 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 3 months ago

Here's the answer from Strategy11 support. It's disappointing though not surprising. "I'm afraid this is a limitation. Payment actions are only triggered when the entry is created and cannot be linked with the update actions. A workaround would be to use a separate form to trigger new payments, or set up a recurring payment on the main form"

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