Stripe Recurring Canceled - How To Update A Form Entry

By: Tone Mine | Asked: 07/22/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsStripe Recurring Canceled - How To Update A Form Entry
Tone Mine asked 2 years ago

Hello, Get the feeling this should be easy but unable to find in the knowledgebase or community.  When a user cancels their Stripe recurring subscription using [frm-subscription] build into Formidable we need to then update a field on a separate form entry belonging to the same user. We are already able to get the separate form entry id but not update the field value on the form. How is this done? (we are using the latest Wordpress and Formidable versions). Thanks for any help!   I.e. Form named ABC has Field id 123 current content = XYZ // User selects 'Cancel' option using [frm-subscription] table // Form named ABC Field id 123 new content = null / empty   Appreciate the help, many thanks! :) Tony    

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

Here's a Formidable KnowledgeBase article that may help:

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