Stripe: Specify Number of Recurring Payments

By: Michael Clark | Asked: 11/01/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsStripe: Specify Number of Recurring Payments
Michael ClarkMichael Clark asked 1 year ago

I want to set the number of recurring payments based on a form field. Use case: a membership lasts for 12 months. The member agrees to be automatically charged 12 times. I'd like a way to tell the FF Stripe integration to set recurring billing to 1 time per month for 12 months. Couldn't find anything in the documentation. Thanks

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 1 year ago

You'll find the details for setting up subscriptions in the documentation paragraph 6.

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 1 year ago

Yep. That's all set up and humming along just fine. But there's no way to stop the billing automatically after x days, weeks or months. I can set the recurrence interval but the number of time for that to run. In Stripe, I can set up a subscription and configure when to stop the recurring payments. Wondering if anyone has done that with Formidable and if so, how. Thanks as always, Victor.

Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 1 year ago

Here's an reference to Stripe Subscriptions "cancel_at" parameter in Stripe's API docs:


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