Transfer Formidable license to new user?

By: Jerry M | Asked: 07/22/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsTransfer Formidable license to new user?
Jerry M asked 3 years ago

I see in the "Formidable Subscription and Renewal FAQs" about expiring and renewing accounts. But how can we transfer a subscription/license to a new webmaster? To someone taking over a WordPress site as the previous administrator is departing? Is this possible? 

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 3 years ago

I don't believe the license is transferable. Have you submitted a support request with the current license?

Jerry M replied 3 years ago

I am the new admin for the website so I don't have access to the license. I can ask the outgoing admin but I most likely won't be able to log into his account. Also, from what I have read, he can let the license expire but then the only option is to renew it - with the same account.

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 3 years ago

You can purchase a new license and reactivate it with your license at any time.

2 Answers
Best Answer
Jerry M answered 3 years ago

Ok, Bobby, I understand. Thank you for taking the time, that's a big help. 

Jerry M answered 3 years ago

Just so I understand, you are saying that I, as a new customer, can purchase a new license and use a previous license in the process? A new license is good for a year, so in that scenario what does 'reactivate' mean? Does that mean if the other license is expired I can enter some kind of license key and reactivate it under my name/account? 

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 3 years ago

No. You can disconnect the license installed from the site and then activate your license instead.

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