Since yesterday I have noticed that two of my connected forms are not loading properly. Both will load the first couple of fields correctly but beyond that I get a perpetual loading symbol for the remaining fields.
Has anyone else experienced this before?
Thanks for any feedback,
What is the setting for "Load and save form builder page with AJAX" for the forms that are slow?
Also, check your PHP error logs. If you are using Ajax, it wouldn't necessarily produce console errors if the problem is in the PHP. If that's the case, use the Network tab in you browser tools and see what is returned in the XHR.
<p>Thanks for the feedback Victor. Both of those forms are set to load and save with ajax. I haven't used the network browser tool before this but did come across an error code 404 on each. </p>
File not found on an Ajax request? That's odd! I would turn off Ajax for those forms and enable WordPress Debug. There can be many reasons for a 404 error, but since Ajax is involved, it could also be a server issue. Disable Ajax and if no errors occur, you may need to open a ticket with your host. There's something off.
Thanks again for your feedback on this Victor! Modsecurity conflicts were preventing any use of ajax along with any saved changes to wpadmin. It took use a few weeks to whitelist the errors but it ended up being a server issue as you suggested.
Do you run into Modsecurity issues often with Formidable?
I run a dedicated server that I manage myself. I had one issue with modsecurity after I updated the OTP rules database. It had nothing to do with Formidable though.
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