Unable to see Salesforce objects (Sandbox) in the mapping section

By: Tahir Sheikh | Asked: 10/17/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsUnable to see Salesforce objects (Sandbox) in the mapping section
Tahir Sheikh asked 2 years ago

I followed the instructions to connect to a Salesforce Sandbox, created a form, but in the form when I go to the Actions & Notifications tab, and click on Salesforce, I am unable to see any of the objects. I have cleared cache and authorized the Consumer and Secret keys Can I use this feature with the Salesforce NPSP (Non profit) version?

2 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 2 years ago

There's no need to report the same question if you didn't get an answer the first time. When a question remains unanswered here, it usually means that community volunteers either don't have an answer for you or haven't seen your question. It's more likely, that we don't know the answer. Opening support tickets with the vendors will get you to an answer faster. Have you opened a support ticket with either Formidable or SalesForce?

Tom Spettigue answered 2 years ago

Super neat, but he probably re-posted the thread because it wasn't answered, and this is the same issue we're having. We have created an object that we'd like to see and input data for, via Formidable, via the API, but the object is not showing up in the list of objects that Formidable sees.

Seems like something that should be pretty clearly documented here, since that's... undoubtedly what 90% of Salesforce users using Formidable are going to be wanting to do.

Victor Font Staff replied 2 years ago

That my be true, but unless there is another community volunteer on this forum with Salesforce integration experience, an answer may not be forthcoming.

Tom Spettigue replied 2 years ago

Wellp. I'll figure it out and post it on my post, hopefully it can help someone once I figure it out.

Victor Font Staff replied 2 years ago

If you’d like to post the solution on Formidable Masterminds, I invite you to DM me when you’ve found it.

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