Unable to select templates

By: John Ryan | Asked: 09/19/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsUnable to select templates
John Ryan asked 5 months ago

I've used Formidable Forms for years and use it on every site I build.
I bought an Elite License which should give me access to the Templates, right?
On my FMPro dashboard, my license key tells me that I'm using the Elite version.
So that should give me access to a bunch of stuff.
But nope, everything is locked down like I don't even own a basic Pro license.
Pretty disappointing considering the amount of support and recommendations I've given this plugin since practically day 1.

1 Answers
Victor Font Staff answered 5 months ago

John, this is a community volunteer forum. Strategy 11 doesn't usually monitor this forum unless a mod reports an issue. If you're having issues with your license, please open a ticket through your support account page.

John Ryan replied 5 months ago

Cheers, Victor.
Yes, I realise that this is a community forum. I've answered a few questions here myself over the years.
I know that Steph is spread fairly thin, so wouldn't expect her or Nathaniel to be monitoring this at all.
I had a 'conversation' with the AI bot and it seems that now my support period has lapsed, I no longer have access to the templates.
Personally, I feel like this is a bit of a rip-off since I've always built my forms from scratch and this is the first time I've actually wanted to use one.
Paying $300 for a single template just ain't in my game plan.

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