Unique ID's - User/Category level

By: Rudi JvR | Asked: 09/17/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsUnique ID's - User/Category level
Rudi JvR asked 1 year ago

I'm in need of advice, any suggestions of how to approach this would be much appreciated:

  • Users capture entries into a personal inventory using a form referencing a master database (master form) using lookup fields.
  • On the Personal capture form I require a Unique ID to be generated for each entry to a user's personal inventory
  • The ID should be unique by logged in User, as well as a selected "Category" (lookup from master form/DB) of the entry captured

I'm hoping there is a simple solution to this requirement before I dive into developing a custom SQL lookup table table to be queried for every new inventory entry.

1 Answers
Best Answer
Victor Font Staff answered 1 year ago

Every entry has a unique entry id and key. Are these fields insufficient? Also, add the user id field to the form. I don’t understand what you mean by category. The best approach is to use dynamic lookup fields. https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/dynamic/#kb-additional-customizations

Rudi JvR replied 1 year ago

Yes I don't want just a random Key or system ID, I want a bit more control over the number generated and it should be user specific.

The ID should start at 1 and increment for every new entry. This ID will form part of a concatenated KEY I will build up for each entry to a user's inventory. Think of the requirement as a SKU type code used for stock management.

The incremental ID should be unique at the level of the Master entry's Category selected. The category exist in the master form as a hierarchy of lookup fields to filter the next level down.

Rudi JvR replied 1 year ago

I had a look at [auto_id], but I'm not sure how I can utilize this function to identify the next number (start=x) sequence for the logged in user based on the lookup selection (category).

For example, 2 different users using my application:

1.) User_ID 3:
- User_ID 3 is logged in
- User_ID 3 is adding 2 new entries to his personal inventory, 1 Fruit and 1 Vegetable
- User_ID 3 already has 7 entries in his inventory for Category "Fruit"
- User_ID 3 is capturing a new "Fruit" entry, this fruit should be assigned an ID of 8
- User_ID 3 already has 5 entries in his inventory for Category "Vegetable"
- User_ID 3 is capturing a new "Vegetable" entry, this vegetable should be assigned an ID of 5

2.) User_ID 10:
- User_ID 10 is logged in
- User_ID 10 is adding 2 new entries to his personal inventory, 1 Fruit and 1 Vegetable
- User_ID 10 already has 3 entries in his inventory for Category "Fruit"
- User_ID 10 is capturing a new "Fruit" entry, this fruit should be assigned an ID of 4
- User_ID 10 already has 1 entries in his inventory for Category "Vegetable"
- User_ID 10 is capturing a new "Vegetable" entry, this vegetable should be assigned an ID of 2

With this example, how can I know what the "start=?" ([auto_id start=?]) value should be for the current user, based on existing entries by Category "Fruit" or "Veg"?

Victor Font Staff replied 1 year ago

There’s no way to do this they way you’ve designed your process without custom code. You’ll need to use either a custom shortcode that you write or the frm_after_create_entry hook (preferred method)

Rudi JvR replied 1 year ago

I was hoping there is a simpler solution which might've evaded me, but suspected that it might require bespoke development.

Thanks for the help!

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