Updating registered users for search

By: Liam Caulfield | Asked: 02/18/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsUpdating registered users for search
Liam Caulfield asked 7 months ago
Hi, I am building a website where users are able to register and create a profile. Other users are then able to run a search and find/filter users with matching details (hobbies etc). This is working nicely but I have an issue when a user updates their profile, the search is only running on the registration form entries and not the edit user entries. The registration entries aren't updated, the system just creates a new entry in the edit form entries. So the search results are always from the old entries and not the edited ones. Ideally I'd like the system to search the Wordpress users instead as they are up to date. Whats the best way to work around this issue?
1 Answers
Victor Font answered 7 months ago
I'm a little confused by what you mean by edit user entries forms. User registration forms should be limited to one per user. What other entries are being created?
Liam Caulfield replied 7 months ago

Hi Victor, sorry its probably how I worded the question. Users can only register once, but when they use the edit profile form a new entry is created with the updated details. But this is associated with the edit profile form and not the original registration form.
The search form is only searching entries from the registered user form, which are not updated when the profile is edited.

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