User ID problem

By: Jon Stu | Asked: 03/18/2024
ForumsCategory: General questionsUser ID problem
Jon Stu asked 11 months ago

I would like a user I have created (Bob- Editor role) to be able to login on the front end and fill out a form to register other users (Alice - contributer role).
I have created a form to to collect user details, and have a Register user action setup.
Bob can login and fill out the form, and this creates a new user Alice (as susbcriber), and sends her a link to login. All good.
But when I look in the entry that Bob has made, the creator is Alice and the user id field of the entry is Alice.
This means I can't filter a view with Bobs user id, to show all his new users.
Does anyone know why this is occuring?

2 Answers
Rob LeVineRob LeVine Staff answered 11 months ago

I just created a user registration form, and created a new entry in it and the same thing happened and, honestly, that makes sense to me. What I suggest doing is adding a hidden field, something like "creator", "parent_id" or "group_id" and then setting that value to the current user when the entry is created. You can use frm_after_create_entry Then you can filter your views on the hidden field, rather than the owner of the user record.

Jon Stu answered 11 months ago

Great, thanks I'll try that!

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