I want to display a Barcode in a Form.
I've tried multiple options, including "importing" the field (even though my theme builder - Divi includes this font.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
First, I wouldn't assign the CSS to the container. I would just use the HTML input ID. Second, please post a link to the form so we can see if there are any errors in the console.
Thanks, as always for your super quick response.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by not assigning the CSS to the container, just use the HTML input ID. Is there a tutorial on this, because I followed the instrucitons on FF website.
Here's the link to the form.
Strangely, the Form is now showing a Bar Code (a tiny version!)...
Only thing I've done different was to add some CSS into my Divi Settings.
Curiously, my view isn't showing a bar code...
Brain Blown.
The link to the form can only be accessed by an admin and the other link gives a 404 error (likely for the same reason). What @Victor meant by putting it on the container is instead of "#frm_field_143_container input" do something like "#frm_field_143" or whatever the equivalent is for the actual HTML input element.
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