Using dynamic fields to filter a view

By: Juan Marinez | Asked: 05/04/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsUsing dynamic fields to filter a view
Juan Marinez asked 1 year ago
Hello, I'm having trouble using dynamic fields in my Search Form to filter out a Table View. Whenever I select an option from the dropdown, the value in the URL returns empty making it not filter the View at all. The dynamic dropdown field gets its values from the Data Form used in the Table View. This is how I have it built: Data Form:
  • Project Name - Text field
  • Project Type - Dropdown
  • Initial Year - Dropdown
  • End Year - Dropdown
  • Department - Dynamic field (Dropdown)
  • Description - Text field
  • Sponsor - Dynamic field (Dropdown)
  • Project Manager - Dynamic field (Dropdown)
Search Form:
  • Project Name - Dynamic field (Dropdown)
  • Project Type - Dropdown
  • Initial Year - Dropdown
  • End Year - Dropdown
  • Department - Dynamic field (Dropdown)
  • Sponsor - Dynamic field (Dropdown)
  • Project Manager - Dynamic field (Dropdown)
I followed this tutorial but it doesn't cover Dynamic fields deeply so I may be missing something I don't know: Create a Custom Search Form in WordPress - Formidable Forms I'm willing to share any information about the fields I'm using (settings and such).   Thanks in advanced for the help!
Michael ClarkMichael Clark replied 1 year ago

Hi. Not really an answer, but a suggestion, for troubleshooting: in you custom search form, use a non-dynamic, static dropdown with manually entered options. See if that works. If it does, there could be an issue with how the dynamic field and the original field are configured (different data types, or separate values, for instance).

1 Answers
Victor Font answered 1 year ago
When you use a dynamic view in a search, you have to make sure you pass the lookup entry id as a parameter like this: my_param=[dynamic_field show=id]

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