I was wondering if I can connect multiple forms to a table saved in MySql for updating data. Expanding data......... Not sure if formidable forms use MySql as the source of data.
Simple examples of what I am trying to accomplish
So what I need is the ability to create a new record on a Mysql table then other form / s would connect to that table and when opened a staff member could filter down to a specific record to update.
Is this possible with mysql or is there a better alternative to this/
That is totally accomplishable. See an example like this - https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/frm_after_create_entry/#kb-insert-form-data-into-second-database-table. You will have to know how to code PHP, at the very least.
well if it can be done then PHP will be my friend. I do know TSQL and PSQL quite well so hopefully not a huge leap
I wish you luck. You can always reach out to a developer as well. https://formidable-masterminds.com/developers-directory/
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