{ },
"body": "
"message": "\u00dcberpr\u00fcfung fehlgeschlagen.", "errors":
"required": "The email field is required."}
"type": "email_validation_failed"}}", "response":
"code":200,"message": "OK"
"data":null,"headers":null,"status":null}} frm_entry 168 frm_action 17988 frm_code 200 frm_message u00dcberpru00fcfung fehlgeschlagen. The email field is required. email_validation_failed frm_url https://juliableser.de/?fluentcrm=1&route=contact&hash=73e999bd-f7b0-48a2-b072-fe6d33dfb68f frm_request { "[vorname]": "first_name", "[nachmane]": "last_name", "[email]": "email" } frm_headers Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
<p><p>Many thanks for the answer. I mapped an email field. The question now arises, why does SSA not transmit an email address?See Screenshot...</p></p>
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