What forum software does Formidable use?

By: James Peary | Asked: 05/12/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsWhat forum software does Formidable use?
James Peary asked 1 year ago

Hi, I really like how these forums are set up. I'd love to use it on my website. May I ask what the name of it is?

Michael Mulholland replied 1 year ago

Looks like DW Question & Answer Pro. I really like it too 🙂

James Peary replied 1 year ago

Perfect, thank you! That sure looks right. I'm so going to use this.

Victor Font replied 1 year ago

You can confirm the software by sending Chris Adams at FDM Digital a note through the forum messaging system. Chris donated the site to the Formidable Community at large and now Strategy 11 maintains it.

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