In Formidable, whenever I click on "Preview On Blank Page" or "Preview In Theme," I just get served a completely white screen. I can't do Generate Form Page as I don't have that subscription level.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Check your browser console for jQuery errors. Also check for plugin conflicts.
<p>There are no errors when I click preview or on the preview page. As far as I know, this started when I upgraded our Formidable plan. It wouldn't automatically update the plugin for me, so I had to download the plugin code and manually upload it to WordPress. I didn't think there were any issues, but that I think is when this started.</p><p>I'll look into possible plugin conflicts. Thank you!</p><p><strong>EDIT:</strong> We use Divi for our themes, it looks like that's a common plugin conflict. I'll chat with our developer and see if this issue has been going on for longer than I thought. THank you!</p>
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