Why is the magnifying glass icon missing on my Lookup's Default Value field?

By: Steve Macatee | Asked: 03/09/2023
ForumsCategory: General questionsWhy is the magnifying glass icon missing on my Lookup's Default Value field?
Steve MacateeSteve Macatee asked 2 years ago

I'm a complete newbie (aka noob) and I wonder why the magnifying glass icon is missing on my Lookup's Default Value field? I'll guess it's because I'm using Formidable Forms Plus, and not a higher level plan?
I'm trying to duplicate features as shown on the YouTube video about How to Auto-Populate Form Fields in WordPress.
Thanks! Have a great day!

Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

That's a dropdown feature called autocomplete. I think that's what your looking for, yes?

Steve MacateeSteve Macatee replied 2 years ago

OK, I was confused. The Lookup lacks the magnifying glass icon, it's the Text field that has it. I got them confused. THANKS for the help!

[Do I Close this or Resolve. I'll go look up the difference. Either way we're done with this thread.]

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