Wix integration with Formidable Forms

By: Jay Johnson | Asked: 09/19/2022
ForumsCategory: General questionsWix integration with Formidable Forms
Jay Johnson asked 2 years ago

What is required to integrate Formidable Forms on a Wix web server implementation to SalesForce?
Is there a Formidable plug-in for Wix?
Does it work with SalesForce connect app using the client id & client secret key similar to WordPress?

1 Answers
Bobby Clapp Staff answered 2 years ago

Wix isn't Wordpress. Formidable Forms is only Wordpress. You can use Zapier maybe:


Jay Johnson replied 2 years ago

Hi Bobby, thank you for assistance and suggestion with the integration of Formidable Forms to SalesForce on my Wix server.

Another contact sent me a link that walks through creating the Formidable Forms HTML code through the WordPress plug-in, and then copying it over to my Wix server. We are going to give that a try first since no other apps would be required. Here is the link that walks us through it.


I'll let you know how it works!


Bobby Clapp Staff replied 2 years ago

That's certainly doable. Let us know how it works out.

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